Monday, January 7, 2008

Time surely flies (whether you're having fun or not!)

...but I have to say - I've been having fun. Mostly.

I can't believe it's been EIGHT months since I last wrote something here. Well, I mean, I CAN believe it because I haven't even entertained the thought of trying because I've been so busy in my primarily disheveled and inefficient way...but I'm so glad to be back! And I want to make this blog a real priority because I'm in tears just reading back over the few posts that I made! Which is in keeping with my original reasons for starting this blog up - I wanted to capture my thoughts about my children (and husband! :)) and our life so that one day, we could look back - in months, or even years, and remember, reflect, laugh, and tear up too! So it's working! I did just that tonight! And I vow to keep at it - and NOT think of it as just another chore or obligation to get to because really - it's therapeutic for me. And of value. So call it a 'delayed' resolution for the New Year.

I was also inspired to revisit this blog because of something I read on somebody else's blog. She's not somebody I know - she is a Design Team member at a scrapbooking website I visit. I linked to her blog from a post she made and I was caught up in her photos and her resolve to start a 'Photo Of The Day' posting. I love that idea! So - I have a lot to learn about managing the technical side of this whole blog thing, but starting tomorrow, I'm going to get on this photo thing! And I have a whole heckuva lot more to write about my amazing children - like the fact that my baby Cody is now 11 months old! He was only 8 WEEKS old in the last post I made here!! And Chanel and her incredible dedication to her sports...and Casey and his continuing sweetness...And Steve. My less-often mentioned but fully appreciated wonderful husband whose negotiating skills are truly admirable! ;) Gotta remember that the new furniture is being delivered this Tuesday...

I could write all night but fear I won't be able to drink enough tea tomorrow to compensate for the lack of sleep...never mind all the trips to the bathroom with Cody hot on my heels and complaining loudly and persistently about me leaving him for 30's already almost 1 a.m. Ack! Tomorrow is the first day back to school after the Christmas break for Chanel and Casey and it always takes awhile to get back into the swing of things...I project that the morning is going to be a bit...hectic. And hopefully these stirring sounds that are coming over the baby monitor don't amount to anything! Oh Lawd! Must...stop...typing...

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